Why isn't there a special name for the tops of your feet? Lily Tomlin

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cable Matinee Idol Anderson Cooper Brutally Bitch-Slapped By Egyptian Democracy Hating Homophobes

That's it, Hosni Mubarek is GOING DOWN.

Click Here to sign a petition to send in our brand new fabulous gay army and Save Cooper's Privates Private Cooper!

P.S. Anderson has an adorable "flip camera" that he managed to sneak under the bastards' noses! Isn't that cute?

P. P. S. Picture of Kevin's date with Anderson, after the JUMP!

Fun Fact: this exclusive photographic evidence of Kevin's hotness is the first blog photo for which we have primary copyright and ownership! Well, us and Facebook.

1 comment:


    also, kev's picture with him always gets me, right at the heartstrings. i wish i was between you two. i'm selfish, what can i say.


Make it count, troll.