Why isn't there a special name for the tops of your feet? Lily Tomlin

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Daily Spader

Hiya, Sporkers! Long time no chat. With me, at least. I'm in an uncharacteristically chipper mood today, so I thought that called for a little/large/smoldering/creepy/sexy/whatever dose of your Daily Spader. Which, actually, is turning more into a Weekly Spader.* But let's all forgive the misnomer and move on with our sick and twisted lives, yeah? In last week's post, we discovered how undeniably hot Mr. Spader can make one of Cronenberg's nightmarish fetishes look. This week, we discover that someone can actually pale Susan Sarandon's hotness in comparison. And that person is....ta-daaaa....James!
This still is from a little movie from 1990 called "White Castle Palace." Spader, playing the world's youngest and hottest widower, falls for Sarandon, the world's hottest middle-aged (?) working-class waitress. And hilarity ensues! No, wait. Lots of drama and illicit relations ensue. That's more like it. Readers, let's be gentle and forgive James for the unfortunate early-nineties perm. We all make mistakes.

*Once again, there is no relevant news to tie this posting to current events in any way. Actually, we should probably just accept the fact that most of my Daily Spader posts will be completely untimely until dear James finds some more work. I will throw in this fun fact as a sort-of apology: James's middle name is Todd! Thank God he's hot.

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