Why isn't there a special name for the tops of your feet? Lily Tomlin

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Actress Makes Joke...Idiots Don't Get It

Winter's Bone actress and Oscar nominee for Best Actress Jennifer Lawrence made a joke the other day. When asked about her southern roots she stated that "Little redneck things still come out...I'm attracted to my brother, stuff like that." I like her. A young actress that already has the ability to mock herself.

More after the jump...

That's the kind of huzpah that young actresses these days need. You don't see Megan Fox strutting around making fun of her tattoos or charmed high school life (that b*tch.)

Lawrence's attitude resembles the classic starlets of yesteryear. I believe it was the self-deprecating qualities that made greats like Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, and Ava Gardner so damn charming.

And for those of you who believe she was serious, rednecks can have a dry sense of humor too, that stuff's not just for the English. Idiots.

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