Why isn't there a special name for the tops of your feet? Lily Tomlin

Friday, January 28, 2011

Friday Film Hunk Fetish Guessing Game!

So it's Friday, the day we all believe in God. And that means it's our Friday Film Hunk Fetish Guessing Game! You mean you've never heard of it? That's because this is the first one, and we're the first ones to come up with it, as far as we know, because we're awesome. Here's how it works. We'll post a part of a Film Hunk's hot bod. It could be any part, except SOME parts. We're not THAT kind of blog. But we do like sexy screen men here at Film Spork. Anyway, you get one guess in the comment section for who's bod it is. First one to guess correctly WINS. Wins what, you ask? You win the opportunity to pick the next week's hunk!

Ready...here we go...after the JUMP!

Name him. If you're signed in, it makes it easier to contact you.


Make it count, troll.