Why isn't there a special name for the tops of your feet? Lily Tomlin

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Warner Brothers Births a Star, Bleeds to Death

Why? Why, God, why does the new remake of A Star is Born have to star Beyonce? What is even the point? I want to cry. You have Clint Eastwood, ready to do his thing, not going gently into that good night, and you hand him Beyonce?

I understand the new plot involves the music industry. Fine. That's fine. Awesome. It's a musical.  A musical about a fading artist and a young star, one goes up and the other goes down, lots of fun, lots of crying, lots of smashing of bottles of alcohol, lots of Oscar bait.  But why Beyonce? Why not....






But instead we get...

I'm going to bed.  May I eat my words.


  1. Well this is perfect if the first three versions of the movie didn't do it for you...four actually if you count What Price Hollywood?....this one won't even include an afroed Streisand or Judy Garland dressed as a hobo.

  2. Gold star for the "What Price Hollywood" reference. Become a follower and email us tips and post ideas, and you could be a big fresh spork star someday, when we're all too drunk to type!


Make it count, troll.