Why isn't there a special name for the tops of your feet? Lily Tomlin

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Fiery Smart Redhead To Play Opinionated Inarticulate Brunette

Move over Emmy-Award-Winning Tina Fey, there's a new girl playing former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin: Ms. Julianne Moore! HBO is producing a movie revolving around the 2008 presidential election based on the book Game Change.

She needs an Oscar already.

Find out what Film Spork thinks after the jump

Hmmmmmm I find this quite intriguing. It would be interesting to see Sarah Palin as a human being rather than the superfluous caricature she has become. Julianne Moore has quite the task ahead of her. Not only does her portrayal have to please the sympathetic Joe Plumbers and Hockey Moms out there but also the folks who think of her as a giant fraud. Personally I'm just excited for the accents and we at Film Spork know that Julianne Moore is incredible at them, take a look at her previous slam dunks:

1) Newfoundlander (Shipping News)
2) Exaggerated Bostonian (30 Rock)
3) Robot (Eagle Eye)
4) Mid-Atlantic (The Big Lebowski)
5) Drunken Socialite English (A Single Man)
6) Virginian (Hannibal)

 Good Luck JM and Godspeed.

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