Why isn't there a special name for the tops of your feet? Lily Tomlin

Saturday, March 19, 2011

100th Post Dedicated To Harry Potter

The moment Mrs. Rogers read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone to the class in the 6th grade I was hooked. Now, 13, 12, 11 okay 13 years later, that magic is coming to an end this July and with it millions of childhoods. My innocence and child-like wonder are being shut down tighter than a Gringott's vault. 

If Time Magazine says so, it must be true
More HP after the jump...
At least 25% of my life has been spent arguing about Snape's intentions, wondering which house I would be in (Gryffindor naturally,) wishing brooms really could fly so I could experience Quidditch, and developing an astigmatism from reading each of the epic novels in under 2 days.  I remember the stir that Harry Potter's existence has caused to fundamental-whatever-worshippers (which naturally heightened my unhealthy eternal love for it even more.)
I highly doubt the devil would use a quill pen and be a unicorn.

Literally nothing will replace the hole in my heart that the remaining Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 will leave behind in July. Except maybe food...and cats, lots of smellybuttsquishface cats.  Maybe I will buy stock in anti-depressants around then, save my earnings and bribe J.K Rowling to write more Harry Potter. Yes, I raise my juice box to that idea.

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